Welcome to my NEW website!

I am delighted to welcome you to my new website. We have tried to keep it accessible, informative and user-friendly and being no technical wizard myself, I understand the importance of all these things. 

It is my intention to keep everyone up to speed on what’s happening in my world of music, travel, recordings and new songs, plus new recordings of old songs! 

My home recording studio is a haven for me and I find myself spending more and more time in it every year. The whole recording process fascinates me still and I have two new albums coming out soon. One is a collection of songs I have written over the years and it’s the first time I’ve released a totally self-penned album.  

The second is called ‘Folk Songs For The Young...And Young At Heart’. It’s a collection of well-known folk songs that children don’t learn anymore. I thought they should at least have the opportunity to hear them! 

One of my all-time favourite activities is sharing the beauty, music, history and folklore of Ireland with visitors from abroad. Having spent a large part of my life travelling the roads of Ireland as a performer I have a fair knowledge of the highways and byways. 

Hosting musical tours of Ireland over the past number of years has only enriched my love of this place and it’s unequalled sense of mystery and timelessness. 

My next tour combines the magic and majesty of both Ireland and Scotland and it’s going to be very special indeed. It takes place in September 2018 and you can read about it elsewhere on this website. It is booking very well and places are limited so I encourage you to have a look at the itinerary and then speak to the lovely Nuala at Brack Tours. 

If I don’t post many dates at various times of the year it is because a large chunk of my musical performances take place in primary/elementary schools all over the place and are therefore private. However, when I am doing gigs outside the schools spectrum you will find them here on the website. 

I hope you will check in often and avail of the many recordings available and that you will keep in touch regularly. 

Every blessing to you and hopefully we’ll meet along the ‘road of song’. 



Chris Colton